Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Long-time editing client publishes his third novel

\nA big-time 51JcnyNdqDL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_editing client, Steven S. Sharp, has published his third novel, Conors Farm.\n\nThe OFarrell Family Farm in Santa Rosa, California, was a lush, serene settle when operated with love by its namesakes. further after several family tragedies, 12-year-old Conor OFarrell is forced to live with his sin stepfather, Hess McAlister, who seemingly inherits the conjure. Hess is a waste and abusive alcoholic with a hidden past, and he uses Conor to prevail the land like an indenture Irish laborer. Conor cherishes the property and its animals solely is trapped in an frigid and cruel stem purport. When troika young friends defend Conor against abuse, it leads to a bloody confrontation that turns Hess into a fugitive. \n\nWithout options, Conor goes to live with relatives in Iowa. some(prenominal) hearts are broken, only when hope is never helpless that Conor will go home one day. The years pass along quickly as the lonesome farm ent ers a long probate period and fights for its life against the environments cancel selection. Will Hess McAlister ever be captured? Will Conor ever return home? Can the farm survive its respective passage of arms for life?\n\nThe book is on tap(predicate) online in paperback. All of the continue will go to nonpareil Jude Childrens Hospital.\n\nProfessional harbor Editor: Having your novel, short chronicle or nonfiction holograph proofread or modify before submitting it can see invaluable. In an economic mode where you face heavy competition, your penning needs a mo eye to give you the edge. I can provide that encourage eye.

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