Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Aim In Life Essay

I al counselings feel that virtuoso needs to know where one is going in life so that when one reaches the place he can coin beyond the skyline set for him. That is why it is essential for every person to have around indicate in life. This count gives population the strength to face obstacles and move the barriers in path to success.Almost every successful human beingness in history had a dream, which became the driving force that took them to the pinnacle of success. The aims of these great deal were to make the dream a reality. Henry Ford s aim was to make the motor car within the reach of the common people and today Ford is one of the biggest car manufacturers in the whole world. In Bangladesh, Dr. Yunuss aim to bring credit facility to the poorest people in the country saw the birth of now world famous Grameen bank building I also have an aim in life.My aim is to proclaim a business organization that-opens up opportunities to young people of the country. service of proce ss them to get established in their own ventures with the just second by training them, helping them obtain capital and any other support they may need. I will try to encourage people to flex entrepreneurs and such an organization will go a long way in encouraging people to take up the path of business.To adjoin my aim I want to get a degree in business administration as I feel this will gibe me with the right attitude and knowledge. Then I intend to work in different reputed organizations to orient myself with the structure and workings of companies.I feel that, with the right education and work experience along with the right type of network. I will one day be able to reach my aim in life and then maybe go beyond that towards an yet broader horizon.

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