Thursday, February 7, 2019

Carl Friedrich Gauss :: essays research papers

Carl Friedrich GaussCarl Friedrich Gauss was a German mathematician and scientist whodominated the mathematical community during and after his life term. Hisoutstanding engagement includes the discovery of the method of least squares, thediscovery of non-Euclidean geometry, and consequential contributions to the theoryof numbers.Born in Brunswick, Germany, on April 30, 1777, Johann Friedrich CarlGauss showed early and unmistakable signs of world an extraordinary youth. As achild prodigy, he was self taught in the fields of reading and arithmetic.Recognizing his talent, his youthful studies were accelerated by the Duke ofBrunswick in 1792 when he was provided with a stipend to allow him to pursue hiseducation.In 1795, he move his mathematical studies at the University of Gttingen. In 1799, he obtained his doctorate in absentia from the University ofHelmstedt, for providing the first reasonably complete proof of what is nowcalled the fundamental theorem of algebra. He stated that Any polynomial withreal coefficients can be factored into the output of real linear and/or realquadratic factors.At the time of 24, he published Disquisitiones arithmeticae, in which heformulated systematic and astray influential concepts and methods of numbertheory -- dealing with the relationships and properties of integers. This bookset the blueprint for many future research and won Gauss major recognition amongmathematicians. exploitation number theory, Gauss proposed an algebraic solution to thegeometric problem of creating a polygonal shape of n sides. Gauss proved the possibilityby constructing a regular 17 sided polygon into a circle using only a unfeignededge and compass.Barely 30 years old, already having made bound discoveries ingeometry, algebra, and number theory Gauss was appointed director of theObservatory at Gttingen. In 1801, Gauss turned his attention to astronomy andapplied his computational skills to develop a technique for calculating orbitalcomponents f or celestial bodies, including the asteroid Ceres. His methods,which he describes in his book Theoria Motus Corporum Coelestium, are still in wasting disease today. Although Gauss made valuable contributions to both theoretical andpractical astronomy, his principle work was in mathematics, and mathematicalphysics.About 1820 Gauss turned his attention to geodesy -- the mathematical goal of the shape and size of the Earths surface -- to which hedevoted much time in the theoretical studies and field work. In his research, hedeveloped the heliotrope to secure more accurate measurements, and introducedthe Gaussian error curve, or gong curve. To fulfill his sense of civilresponsibility, Gauss undertook a geodetic survey of his artless and did much ofthe field work himself. In his theoretical work on surveying, Gauss developed

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