Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Theoretical Issues Related to Human Resources :: Human Resources Essays

This essay will discuss the theoretical issues think to gentlemans gentlemanresource management strategies, homosexual resource planning, employmentrelations, miscellany management and recruitment and selection. Theessay will compare the differences in human resource managementbetween two airlines, American Airlines and Southwest Airlines. in the long run the essay will put forward recommendations to the two airlinesin the human resource area.The human resource need of todays plaque need to becontinually analysed due to constant changing conditions. Thisanalysing is cognize as human resource planning (HRP) and it ensuresthat the right number and shell of people are available at the righttime for the presidency (Dessler et al 1999). There are manyfactors that contribute to HRP and trends that influence the nerves external environment. These factors are workforce diversity, outsourcing, globalisation, technological development, neworganisational structures, casualisation and the paper bag frommanufacturing towards service and knowledge-based work (Dessler et al1999).Workforce DiversityWorkforce diversity is divergence from an assumed norm or set ofexpectations. The government give way created legislations confirming theright of all members of society to experience comparable action and workopportunities, irrespective of difference of sex, age, sexualorientation, religion, physical abilities or whether they endure tothe dominant culture or language group (Human Resource counsellingStudy Book). The reasons that these legislations were introduced weredue to the changing of the workforce. More women joined the workforceas did people of differing ethnic origins. The workforce has becomeolder because of the legal judgment of voluntary retirement age (HumanResource commission Study Book). overdue to these changes andlegislations employers reach had to re-think their employment policiesand procedures in areas such as selection, training and publicity(H uman Resource Management Study Book).Some forward thinking organisations have looked beyond thegovernments requirements and have used the changes to benefitthemselves in the long term. These organisations have taken thisopportunity to better understand and work the wider community, togain a competitive advantage over more tralatitious organisations. They have also tried to gain more knowledge of the needs andpreferences of specific groups in society and discovered the thingsthat might help to turn the workplace more productive and satisfyingfor all their employees (Human Resource Management Study Book).Outsourcing.Outsourcing is where organisations use external providers for thoseactivities that are either non-essential or accept an injection ofmanagement resources and capital. This allows the organisation tofocus more on the affection of the business operations (Dessler et al1999). Outsourcing is extremely important where HRP is concerned. Itcan be used as a strategy when skil ling of resources will be high-pricedand time consuming and it can also make forecasting easier if the

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