Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Comparison Of Renaissance And Mannerism Cultural Studies Essay

Comparison Of metempsychosis And affectedness Cultural Studies EssayI chose to work on the comparison surrounded by reincarnation and Mannerism. Renaissance and Mannerism differ to certain extremes, buy notwithstanding I found that even today thither are finicky methods of these operativery sweats that are recognized and applied. Here I sh every discuss the pros and cons of both(prenominal) art moves, the impact of the movements and my views on this.POSITIVE POINTS OF RENAISSANCEIn this movement the art form characteristics held an expression of liveliness. wish in wood, clay, st mavin, independent of reality.For recitation Leonardo Da Vincis drawing called Renaissance Man. It is withal known as Vitruvian man. This drawing is known to be the proportions of man or canon of proportions. His eyepatch of art showed how science and art was brought together to calculate proportions.Leonardo envisaged the with child(p) picture chart of the humane bodyhe had produced through his anatomical reference drawings and VitruvianMan as a cosmografia del minor mondo (cosmography of themicrocosm). He believed the workings of the human body to bean analogy for the workings of the universe. Encyclopaedia Britannica onlineThe drawing is ground on male proportions that are correlations of ideal human proportions with geometry described.During this period there was the return of then(prenominal) Greek and papist antique. One such modelling was foregathern in Brunelleschis architectural work. He had constructed the Florentine Cathedral. This particular work originated from the Roman Empire. The foundation of his design was of the dome of the Pantheon. He constructed an elliptical dome.Artists became familiar with ancient art and brought that in their mental pictures.All their art form interchangeable sculptures and paintings were proportional. These art forms have particular measurements and are always calculated before particoloured or made. This is an import ant feature of this period that takes effect even today. Like Michaelangelos sculpture called David.Perspective is anformer(a) important term that was brought up during this movement. The long Renaissance artist Brunelleschi had brought up this term. Brunelleschi constructed a church called the Florence Cathedral. This initiated vista as it is seen in the architectural composition of its planning. This subsequent inspired Leonardo Da Vinci in his painting called Last Supper. In this painting we can see that the elements are arranged according to one geological period perspective.Andrea Mantegna paintings demonstrated a certain sympathy for low castes akin in his painting called run of Caesar where he head illustrated prisoners of lower classes.NEGATIVE POINTS OF RENAISSANCEProportions are not that appealing, since in reality every human doesnt pertain such direct proportions. The Mannerists were against this feature.Some paintings evoke devotion like the Venetian paintings.PO SITIVE POINTS OF poseThe Mannerists represented a particular style or manner in their paintings. Like elongated detention, small head, etcetera This can be seen in Jacopo Pontormos Painting called The Deposition from the Cross. In this painting the bodies of the women and the man are elongated. Their hands and feet also seem to be slightly longer than a symmetrical body. The head is comparatively small than the body. This painting understandably depicts the anticlassical art form. azoic Mannerism consisted of more natural paintings. Such paintings were known as anticlassical paintings i.e. against Renaissance art. For example Ross Florentinos painting known as Moses defending the daughters of Jethro depicts the anticlassical art.Even in this painting the construction of the body structure can be clearly seen. The long legs and a small head, etc is seen. Similarly many other painting in this period portrays anticlassical art in a manakin of ways.Paintings were normally oil painted or frescoes like the painting done by Jacopo Pontormo known as Annunciation.The Angel Gabriel and Virgin Mary are fit(p) against white walls the environment seems stark. The contrast between the figures and ground makes their garments glow in the light of the window between them. It seems as if the couple came in from the annexe of the chapel wall.DISADVANTAGES OF MANNERISMHigher Manneria was the next stage of the Mannerists that concentrate loosely on an artists virtuosity. The paintings were more often than not related to the artists point of view rather than reality.Manneria paintings later progressed to be far away from their goal than reality. This was against Manneria art.IMPACT OF THE MOVEMENTSThe Renaissance movement was highly influential even during its time. It spread through various places like Italy, Germany, Netherland, France, England, Spain and rest of Northern Europe. Many Italian artists, etc contributed towards the Renaissance period in their own particular ways.Even today Renaissance exists as it has contributed towards the tuition of perspective and proportions. Architects or any other fields acquire these fundamental principle to bring a perfect or ideal output signal. Like one point, two point and three point perspective. Its not just perspective but even proportions have initiated of a man, woman, objects and relating proportions in a scene such that they look uniform rather than abrupt.Mannerism movement also has achieved to look at thing normally rather than calculating things out. Its not scientific based and is purely based on perception of the artist of reality.Observation is an important term for mannerists. This movement related to Renaissance is not that contributive towards the present but still it has its own plus points.MY VIEWSRelating all factors with respect to Renaissance and Mannerism, I found a couple of facts that I like in Renaissance as well as Mannerism. I cant really judge which one is better but I must s ay that Renaissance has been highly influential rather than the other movement. Many top notch artists are remembered even today for their wonderful contribution like Brunelleschi, Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Titian and Michaelangelo. Some artists concentrated mostly on sculptures like Michaelangelo. His sculpture called David is known even today. Leonardo concentrated on painting where he even acquired perspective in his paintings like Last Supper.I feel that Renaissance concentrated on measuring rod each and every thing rather than relying on your own instincts. This inequality I found in Mannerism. Proportions are important but I felt that there must be some personal output too based on our personal instinct.CONCLUSIONAfter researching on Renaissance and Mannerism as well as the artists and their works I was able to relate and understand how the view changes as in diametrical periods. Like cubism fauvism, impressionism post impressionism and so on. Many movements have their particular principles and differences. From concentrating on emotions developed from color, subconscious and so on. The art movements didnt just focus in one point throughout the movement. They changes can be seen in Renaissance like high renaissance and Mannerism as early mannerism, etc. All in all it is important to know and compare the past views of tremendous art movements. Mainly how the thought process changes from one point of view to another. The development of an artistic mind is observed not only if with help of paintings but even sculptures, relief sculptures, collages, etc are developments from a variety of movements. These movements are even applied in furnitures, posters, etc.

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