Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Racial Profiling (Research Proposal) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Racial Profiling (Research Proposal) - Essay Examplechanged the socio- cultural value of a country, forcing them to formulate new strategies and policies to meet the challenges of the emerging pluralistic societies. The changing values necessitate development of a new social order which would not only embrace multi cultural values however help forge a universal bond that would transcend race and religious boundaries. Therefore racial indite is not only a morally degenerative practice but it is the most despicable practice that violates human rights and promotes a deliberate sense of inequality and fear among the minority ethnic group who are designated by their alter of skin.Broadly speaking racial profiling can be defined as those actions of police and presidency officials that are based on racial prejudices. In the new emerging equations of society, racial profiling has become extremely contentious and the discriminate behaviour of police and people in authority in government d epartments, have posed very serious questions of the relevance of the fundamental rights of the citizens possessing different skin color. More than thirty two million Americans have been subjected to racial profiling and approximately eighty seven millions Americans are at high risk of being subjected to it in future (RP, 2004). The human rights violation and harassment, in the name of rightness has provoked a wide spread feeling of outrage and national shame. There is urgent need to address racial profiling.The purpose of the study is to chair a comprehensive study of people who have undergone atrocities under racial profiling and those live under the constant fear of becoming its victim in future. The study would be an effort to bring out the broader repercussions of racial profiling and would like to focus on the expectations of the people coming from different races. The study would similarly be used to reflect the opinion of white people and try to decipher the root cause th at promotes such practices against colored people. The study

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