Wednesday, May 6, 2020

U.s. Government And Terrorism - 1293 Words

The United States has been facing an array of diverse threats from Foreign Intelligence Entities (FIEs), terror groups, International Criminal Syndicates, Multinational Industrial Competitors, and Cyber Intruders. In most instances, the FIEs and terror cells use intricate modern covert, overt, and clandestine techniques to gather crucial information regarding the U.S. government and its operations across the globe. However, following the disastrous attacks on 9/11, the U.S. government has been formulating security policies to secure its borders against the threat from terror groups such as al-Qa’ida and the Islamic State. The U.S. government also disburses over 30 billion dollars to aid the intelligence groups in the collection of†¦show more content†¦Therefore, an analysis of the terror organizations use of social media platforms to recruit future members will enhance the Intelligence Community (IC) in formulating effective methods to curb the recruitment of America n nationals into terror cells. The Use of Social Media Platforms in Recruiting U.S. Nationals to Terror Cells After the infamous 9/11 attacks against the U.S., the country has put in place various measures aimed at securing its borders against foreign threats. However, despite the increased security measures, terrorist groups still find ways through which they can perpetrate their heinous attacks. In particular, these groups have taken advantage of the Internet as a means to circumvent the security apparatus put in place by the U.S. One may, therefore, raise a question as to whether social media platforms have made it possible for foreign groups to undermine the U.S. intelligence system. This paper will explicate how terrorist organizations and other similar groups have used the Internet, and in particular, social media platforms to attain their agendas by recruiting U.S. nationals, enabling terrorist groups to overcome intelligence measures utilized by the U.S. by focusing on the following questions: †¢ Is the country’s regulatory framework facilitating the subversion of intelligence efforts by prohibiting the ability of to monitor communication between the terrorists groups and American Citizens? †¢ How do social media platforms

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