Friday, April 5, 2019

Does The Media Influence The Way People Think?

Does The Media cultivate The Way People Think?It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies (Chomsky, 2008). In what way does data transmitted by the media influence the way people think? How we relate our values, attitude and beliefs about the man and others (Stuart, 2005). corn dodger News and the BBC ar all well known examples of broadcast journalism (Hackett, 1999) and amaze been the guidance of this research. The media plays a fundamental role in shaping societies opinions about portentous issues (Asmal, 2008), the af marginath of 9/11 and 7/7 bombings medias impact still resonates throughout the world today, especially its impact on those who fall the Islamic faith. This paper highlights responses to media representations of Muslims and Islam in general. The main areas of interest for this piece of work will be the psychological explanations the current perceptions of Islam and its link to the media and whether factors such as religious b ackground, gender and critical thinking skills have an incumbrance on those for attitudes formed through the media.News Media Broadcasts Impact and BiasBroadcast journalism is a term that refers to news show media in which information and current events are presented through electronic media, earlier through video recording news programs (disserbookblue). Media broadcasts such as these are responsible for the way news is gathered and transmitted, which is also applicable in governmental processes (Stuart, 2005).They tend to be a persuasive source of information, in the sense that it primarily has the potential to control to some extent the minds of the viewers, which in this case is the ultimate aim in fare of power, usually indirect. Whilst the control of intentions, opinions, beliefs or knowledge acquired are that news can and ought to be a equilibrate objective reflection of social reality the political attitudes of journalist or editorial decision makers are a major dete rminant of the news separatrix (Hackett, 1999).Chompsky,1987, felt that whilst it is the intended purpose to empower the state-supported to voice their opinion and control the government this is not how it is always used. Instead he presumes that the American media industriousness consists of myth makes that shape and restrict information which move the public to apathy and detachment and as a consequence allow the elite to run the country as they please. Chomsky felt that values such as democracy and freedom must be mobilized to protect are but they are instead exist by the unregulated control of those who own the media. (Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2009).Nevertheless media ownership is a very(prenominal) significant factor to keep in mind when considering media bias (Besley Prat 2004, Djankovet al. 2003). In the context of news, media bias is very well documented, a popular example that has been referred to very often is American news broadcast contribute Fox Ne ws. Findings from previous research such as . have found drastically different assertions from the warfare on terror and Islamic representation to recent political process in regard to Americas presidential campaign (Vigna and Kaplan, 2005). I challenge anybody to show me an example of bias in Fox News Channel.Rupert Murdoch (Salon, 3/1/01)The 24-hour Fox News channel is privately owned by Rupert Murdoch and was introduced in October 1996 to compete with CNN. By June 2000, 17.3 percent of the US population reported watching Fox News regularly (Scarborough Research data). Fox News coverage, however, is unique among the video media. Fox News is significantly to the right of all the other mainstream television networks (ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC) (Groseclose and Milyo, 2005).However media bias generated by ownership can simply be explained through news consumption, which demands media to leave news caters to different audiences. (Mullainathan and Shleifer 2005, Gabszewicz, Laussel and S onnac 2001). Empirical evidence to support this notion was adopted by a come after conducted by Pollingpoint based on 73,969 online interviews with U.S. adults aged 18 and older carried out from the 1st of October to the 21st of October 2004. These findings near describe the relationship between the viewers and news broadcasting channels, especially in relation to political identity (democrat or republican) and their valuations of TV networks. Nine in ten Republicans stated that FOX News offers the crush news coverage among television networks, whereas Democrats seemed to have divided their loyalty among PBS and CNN with nearly 70 % fitting one of the two as the best news source. The chart highlighted different preferences for different news, there all the way seems to be a demand for certain news by different segments of consumers. Therefore media firms provide professed bias to cater to this demand (Mullainathan Shleifer, 2005).Media bias tends to emerge in the form of optim al slanting strategies of news providers because their commit audience want certain (albeit different) degree and direction of slant. Thus, the extent of media bias is mainly the result of consumer heterogeneity (dissimilarity). This is intuitive. After all, if there is a need and demand for slanting news, privately owned media will have an incentive to satisfy that need. Apart from Mullainathan Shleifer (2005), Gentzkow Shapriro (2004) also argue that media bias may emerge from competing media catering to biased viewers beliefs but in their paper the mechanism is slightly different viewers consider the news that are consistent with their prior expectations of high quality (Xiang 2005).

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