Friday, April 5, 2019
The criminal justice system in the United Kingdom
The twist thatness body in the United KingdomIntroductionjurist is a human rights and impartiality reform organization based in the United Kingdom. It is the British part of the International Commission of Jurists, the supranational human rights organization of judgeyers devoted to the heavy protection of human rights worldwide. Consequently, members of JUSTICE argon predominantly barristers and solicitors, judges, legal academics, and law students.The main areas of rightnesss work areHuman rightsCriminal justiceEuropean Union (EU) lawThe rule of the lawThe word beauteous is regulated by Merriam-Websters Dictionary (2009) as marked by impartiality and honesty, free from self-interest, prejudice, or party favoritism. Related words include just, equitable, impartial, unbiased, dispassionate, and objective, completely of which mean free from favor toward either or any side. One additional term that is important for understanding fairness is desert. desert refers to getti ng what you deserve, as in reward or punishment.The Criminal Justice governance of England and WalesThe Criminal Justice dust (CJS) is one of the major public services in the country, with over 400,000 staff across 6 agencies which work together to deliver criminal justice. The core agencies are the police, the Crown Prosecution Service, the courts, the National offender Management Service (which covers prisons and probation) and the Youth Justice Board (which oversees Youth Offending Teams). Some services and initiatives at bottom the CJS are run by a number of voluntary groups such as Victim restrain and the National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (NACRO). The substantive aspect of the law reflects the what of the law, in that laws are created to define certain behaviors as wickednesss and to provide punishments for violations of those laws.Two main stopping points of Criminal Justice dodgeOne goal of the criminal justice system is to reduce crime. Reducing crime cornerstone be achieved through antiphonal means, such as responding to a call for service, making an arrest, obtaining a criminal conviction, and carrying out the punishment compel by the court, or through proactive means, such as eliminating the conditions that produce criminality.Another goal of criminal justice system is justice. They wipe out to assure that they give justice to everyone without any discrimination. Justice should be above everything. Favorism should be eliminated from the root.Is criminal justice system fair?Before you decide whether the system is fit for theatrical role you oblige to decide what that purpose is. There is too much pressure on the criminal justice system because it is supposed to solve societys ills. But it is not the answer to everything it cant be used to apportion with the mentally ill, the homeless and problem teenagers. Thats not what it is designed for it can never be fit for that purpose. Politicians have created a panic about crime so the public now fear in that location usage be enough space in prison for all the race who are guilty of offences. They have trapped themselves in a debate where they tell the public there is nothing wrong with the system, thusly enact more criminal laws to change it.One of the greatest challenges facing the criminal justice system is the need to balance the rights of accused criminals against societys interest in imposing punishments on those convicted of crimes. That is one gather in. An opposite view is the problem of wrongful convictions. A spate of wrongful convictions in Canada has resulted in judges in just about jurisdictions being sent on a 3-day course on avoiding wrongful convictions. Why have these convictions occurred? tetrad factors have been identifiedOverconfident eyewitnessesBogus prosecution expertsLying jailhouse informants (who frequently invent confessions) rabid prosecutors or inept lawyers who jeopardize the right to trial of the accu sed.An additional factor in wrongful convictions is the tendency, in particular in high profile cases, of the press, police, and publicity-seeking public figures, to convict the accused prior to trial.As expected, comments on twain sides of the debate are plentiful. Some of the critics of Sir John Stevens (head of theMetropolitan Police Service from 2000 until 2005) suggest that social operation is the best approach in cutting crime, so that the reveal of criminal justice never comes up, since crimes leave alone not be committed. Job creation is an excellent example of that approach. The problem, of course, is that organized and even disorganized, that is random crime is not affected by job creation. Gangs terrorizing neighborhoods are not impressed by flower-planting and make-work programs. The issue of the criminal justice system is therefore not addressed. Crimes will still occur and the criminal justice system will still have its problems.The other view, dealing with wrong ful convictions, is equally as serious. When nation sit, wrongly convicted, for 15 years, major miscarriages of justice occur.Another factor influencing the system is public opinion. The courts have a difficult balance to achieve while the courts should not be controlled by public sentiment, neither should they bear the self-reliance of the population.Let us look now at another country, the United States of America. When the former President, Mr. Bush, was governor of Texas, that State had an incredible record of executions. Yet I didnt see crime, or more the fear of crime, decrease. The streets of Texas cities are empty even at midday due to concerns with crime. We have seen this situation in Houston and Dallas. You cannot find people out at night walking around. Instead, they live, if they can afford it, in gated communities. Now it is equally true(a) that Texas has a strong gun culture. However, no one doubts that hardened criminals in any jurisdiction can obtain the firepo wer they want.Equally, liberal approaches to crime, such as that of Mr. Lionel Jospins government in France, have resulted in the police backward to enter certain neighborhoods and uncontrolled street gangs burning automobiles and Lorries.Do you notice something interesting with these examples? Whether the criminal justice system is restrictive or permissive, gang violence is rampant since the public order establishment (not just the police) have not addressed the situation by eliminating the gangs. Is that the answer? Would that return order and public confidence?Should the goal of the criminal justice system be the conviction of the guilty? Or fair trials for all? Or the elimination or reduction of crime? Equally, if fair trials are the goal, and crime still dominates, there will be no public satisfaction or confidence.Reform of Criminal Justice SystemThe Justice for All public service agreement (PSA 24) outlines a program of reforms for reducing crime and re-offending, and provi ding justice. This function sets out these programs against the main priority areas.Efficiency and effectivenessMaking the system/process more high-octane and effective at bringing offences to justice is a priority for the Criminal Justice System. This section covers the programs aiming to stand out this goal.Bichard 7Business information strategyCross-CJS alignmentExchange linksPostal charging and requisitionsPrisons to Court movie LinksPROGRESSSecure eMailVirtual CourtsPublic confidenceThe Criminal Justice System working effectively requires that people in local communities feel confident that it is fair, effective and meets local needs. This section covers the programs aiming to ensure local communities are informed about its performance, consulted and engaged about their priorities.Adult Conditional Cautions confederacy Engagement with the CJSYouth Crime Action PlanVictim and witness satisfactionThe Criminal Justice System exists to allow victims to seek redress. This sectio n covers the programs aiming to help improve victims and witnesses satisfaction with the service provided by the CJS.Victims make merryWitness CharterRace disproportionalThe Criminal Justice System needs to be fair to all regardless of their background or situation. This section covers the programs aiming to help identify and address any unjustifiable disproportional with regard to race throughout the criminal justice process.Minimum Data Set asset recoveryThe Criminal Justice System is concerned with seizing assets acquired by convicted criminals through their activities. This section covers the programs aiming to nutrition the recovery of assets from criminals. Content will be available shortly.Compliance and enforcementEnsuring that offenders and defendants comply with sentences and orders of the Criminal Justice System is integral to delivering an effective and efficient justice system that inspires public confidence and trust. This section covers programs aiming to produce an meliorate way of measuring compliance and enforcement performance.Compliance and enforcement measure.WORD COUNT
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